Nine years ago, an Ojibwe grandmother from Canada began
walking around the Great Lakes to raise awareness about water issues. Armed with a copper pail of water and an
eagle staff, she embarked alone on a journey which took seven years to
complete. As the water walk progressed,
others joined her along the way.
Her adopted son, Gabriel Peltier, caught that vision and
began soliciting help to make it a reality.
Along the way he encountered resistance, partially due to the difficulty
of articulating what this vision would look like. Who was it for? How large of an event would it be? What was the purpose?
Having been advised to let others do it, he refused to give
up on this vision. Persistently he
called on a handful of people and meetings were held. Discussions centered on the purpose of the
lodge. Different people came and
went. More meetings were held and again,
discussions turned to the purpose of the lodge.
Wheels were spinning but little traction was gained until late last year
when a new committee was convened and an action plan developed. A February retreat in Keshena resulted in the
formation of a “program” for the four days.
Progress was being made.
However, challenges remained.
The committee was spread out throughout Wisconsin and into Canada. Leadership was fluid. This was both good and bad. Different people stepped up at the
appropriate times but somebody needed to drive the ship. Illnesses and distance were obstacles that
needed to be overcome. Face to face
meetings were difficult to arrange and it was easy to put the event on the back
burner as most committee members were involved with other community events
including the Indian Summer Festival held just two weeks before.
As the date of the event drew closer, the vision became much
clearer. Roles and responsibilities were
assigned. A schedule was finalized. Elders and teachers were invited. And funding was secured. All that was left—build the lodge with the
hope that the people would hear the voice of the “Little Boy” dewe'gan (drum) and
come. We are thankful to the Three
Fires Lodge and Eddie Benton Banai for the teachings about the “Little Boy” and
his songs.

After a quick breakfast, students from the Indian Community School,
along with community volunteers began erecting this 60 foot long lodge on the
shores of Lake Michigan. Assisted by the
children, asema (tobacco) and nibi (water) was prayerfully put in each hole,
connecting the lodge poles to Mother Earth.
Both men and women shared in the work, the poles carefully tied by the
women. By noon, the “ribs” of the teaching lodge were in place and by sun down,
the lodge was complete.
While the work we did was serious, there were lighter
moments throughout the four days. One
such moment occurred as I was sawing one of the braces. At the same time, Diane Amour was attempting
to tie the brace to the lodge pole.
Every time I stopped sawing she’d thank me. Well I thought she was thanking me for sawing
the branch so I’d saw even harder.
However, she was thanking me for stopping because the saw dust was
getting in her eyes. At other times we
had so many helpers that were tripping over each other.
The next day we stood facing the east. As the sun came up, the “Little Boy” was
sounded and we greeted the new day.
Gabriel Peltier shared his pipe.
Water and berries were passed around by the women and all partook. Songs were sung and prayers said as the sun
began to warm the land. This would be
the first day of teachings and students from the Indian Community School were
expected to arrive. In addition to
traditional teachings by Ojibwa, Ottawa, Potawatomi, Ho Chunk, Menominee and Oneida
elders, games of Lacrosse were planned, as well as a nature walk identifying
plant medicines growing on the island.
That evening a social was planned featuring singing, drumming and
Later that morning, we were joined by about 30 students
participating in the Student Conservation Association, a non-profit group whose
mission is to build the next generation of conservation leaders.
As I mentioned, President Obama was scheduled to speak that afternoon
across from the island where we had built the teaching lodge. This resulted in the access points being
secured, along with the noise from the rally itself. However, we did not allow this to deter us
and in fact, many were hoping the President would see the teaching lodge and
tipi and choose to pay us a visit. Unfortunately
that did not happen but it didn’t stop us from enjoying a feast of turkey, fry
bread and wild rice without him. Finally
the week would come to a close on Sunday afternoon.
After an enjoyable elders panel featuring Josephine
Mandamin, Frank Ettawageshik, Skip Twardosz, Mary Ellen
Baker and Delbert Charging Crow, the lodge was taken down.
While the physical structure was removed and the land
returned to its pristine condition, the memory of that lodge remains etched on
our hearts. Healing did take place over
those four days. The community came
together to share and to learn, friendships were made and in some cases renewed
and plans were made to return to that place where the vision was fulfilled.
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